Buying Units

Buying Units


Offsetting the easy way

Our developer-led model and industry-leading expertise provides an efficient and cost-effective solution for developers to buy BNG units.
Discharging your BNG obligations to us lowers risk and maximises profits, without slowing down the planning process. 
Broad industry expertise means we can provide a complete solution to all your environmental offsetting requirements.


  • Full ecological support

    We provide all the ecology work to support your planning application as well as the implementation and management of units.

  • Development background

    Our team have extensive experience dealing with all commercial aspects of property development and planning policy.

  • Countrywide BNG units available

    We have a countrywide network of landowners and can provide units wherever you require them.

  • Legally binding

    All BNG units are secured by legally binding Section 106 agreements or Conservation Covenants

  • Simple payments

    Our payment structure is based on a deposit followed by a final payment on planning permission which then discharges your offsite BNG obligation to us. We are also flexible to offer phased payments to meet your requirements.

  • ESG reporting

    BNGP’s software platform – BeeNG – provides realtime access to all BNG habitat sites for your management reporting and ESG compliance needs.

We offer 3 levels of flexible managed services, tailored to meet your requirements.

  • Discharge your condition to us

    Developer pays BNG Partnership an agreed fee per unit which discharges the BNG condition and passes on responsibility to us.

    All relevant documentation regarding your offsite units are provided to discharge your planning condition.
  • Developer has existing land to use for offsetting

    Where a developer has existing land they want to use for BNG offsetting we can provide all the ecological work. Then, using our agricultural and land management expertise, implement and manage the habitat for 30-years.

  • Software only service

    A developer uses our software platform to manage all their on and offsite BNG, keeping them informed of audits and relevant documents. The software will provide a marketplace to purchase offsite BNG units from habitat banks.

Click below to get a non-obligation quote for your BNG unit requirement today!

“At BNG Partnership we go beyond the required monitoring and reporting. We gather additional data on offset sites including acoustic monitoring, vertebrate and invertebrate counts, carbon assessments and soil condition data. By delving deeper, we can show how the new habitats are improving biodiversity and the environment”

How our process works: A six step approach

  1. Submit

    A developer submits an offsite requirement, including details of the site, number of units and timesclales

  2. We identify an offset site

    We identify an appropriate site through our countrywide network of landowners. We carry out all ecological work (if not already completed on the offset site)

  3. Legals and Registration

    Then we work through the complex legal process to secure the offset. Once the site is legally secured we submit the site to the Defra Register

  4. Payment

    When the developers planning is approved, BNG Partnership is paid for the units and their BNG obligation is therefore discharged to us

  5. Habitat Implementation

    We work with the landowner to create the habitat , funding all establishment works. We then oversee the site for the 30-year period ensuring the management plan is complied with and the habitat is developing as proposed

  6. Habitat Reporting

    Stay up-to-date with your offset site using our software platform BeeNG. Our platform will provide you with access to habitat monitoring reports, species surveys and all the information you need for management and ESG reporting.